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Salsa Verde

Note: I planned making this, and somehow forgot to get cilantro.... while I live half a block from a super market, I didn't feel like going out for it.


~1 lb Tomatillos

3 Sarrano Peppers

1 medium Onion

2 large Garlic Cloves

1 Lime

1 cup Cilantro

To Taste:


Black Pepper MSG (optional)


Preheat oven to 550°F (290°C) (as high as mine goes), line a baking sheet with tin foil

Halve the tomatillos and place cut side down on baking sheet

Quarter the onion, set one quarter aside, break apart some of the layers of the other three quarters, and add to baking sheet

[I like to think that separating some of the onion layers made more surface area for browning/charing, but I'm not sure if that's really true)

With food safe gloves on, halve the sarrano peppers, deseed four halves and add to baking sheet, set other two halves aside

[Deseed reserved halves too for a milder salsa]

Add whole garlic cloves (pieces, not two whole bulbs) to baking sheet and put the sheet in the oven

[dry, no oil needed]

Bake for 20 minutes or until tomatillos get mushy and everything has some char spots

While that bakes, chop the reserved quarter onion and add to a two cup canning jar

Cut the reserved peppers in half again (whole pepper has been quartered), chop, and add to jar

Zest the lime, add zest to jar, cut lime in half, and juice both halves into jar

[Chopped cilantro leaves and tender stems would be added at this point, if I had any....]

Allow baking sheet veggies to cool enough to be able to handle

Blend baking sheet veggies in a blender, and add to jar

Slowly season to taste with salt, pepper, and MSG, closing the jar and shaking to mix

Final Notes:

My salsa was at first very limey, but without being tart. MSG really helped cut that back so you could taste other flavors better too. Though the lime might have been nice for cooking meat in the salsa.

I might have added some cumin during the seasoning step too, to also help with the lime.

Unexpected result: after a few days in the fridge, the salsa had gelled kind of into a jam. Turns out, tomatillos naturally have pectin, a jelly/jam thickener. So best results may be to serve at room temperature.

1 Comment

Dec 26, 2024

Love this salsa recipe! If you're in the USA, Kroger is a great spot to find fresh tomatillos, peppers, and other ingredients. After completing your shopping, check your receipt for a chance to take the Kroger feedback survey at www.kroger/feedback.

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