Snack Jun 22, 2023
Note: I recently picked up an old Waring dehydrator from my grandparents. This is to see how it work, cuz the owners manual is gone.
3 large Honeycrisp Apples
2 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tablespoon Brown Sugar
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
2 teaspoon Cinnamon
½ teaspoon Nutmeg
5 shakes Cardamom (my spice bottles are fairly low flow)
1 shake Chinese Five Spice
To Taste:
Salt (optional) MSG (optional)
Rinse and dry off the apples
Cut into ¼-inch slices and then cut out the core, add to a large mixing bowl
Add all other ingredients and gently toss till mixed well and apples are coated
Cover with a cloth and let set for 10-15 minutes, mixing again if you'd like
Place apple slices onto the dehydrator's racks in a single layer, making sure they do not touch
Turn on the dehydrator (mine is only "on" or "off", no temperature control)
After 5 hours in the dehydrator and allowed to cool:
Thoughts: Still probably too moist for long-term storage, I'd be afraid they'd get moldy. A thicker slice was still crisp/crunchy. Could be good for it they were going to be eaten immediately or added to a baked good.
After 10 hours in the dehydrator and allowed to cool:
Thoughts: Thicker slices were still moist, but no longer crips. Probably should use the mandoline slicer next time if chips are what I'm going for.
Final Notes:
My thermometer stuck into one of the holes at the top and sitting on the rack says it's 132 °F (55 °C) in there.
The spices were good!
Maybe try lemon juice if I have some around next time, because I think the ACV did add some apple flavor, but also some vinegariness.